Tuesday, June 7, 2011

To be or not to be....

I find myself walking the streets with no distinct objective. It is one way I manage to think, while walking. Think about myself, about my life, and trying to find a coherent follow up, that doesn't erode in a week.
I am alone! And I started loving my loneliness, with every day spent confined within the boundaries of  my own garden of dreams. In this rocky island, I exist only as far as the maximum expansion of my own fence surrounding my beautiful garden.
Being a traveler made me like this? Perpetuating a sense of insecurity inside developed me into a never stopping runaway mad man. But what am i running away from?

Dear reader, maybe you can find some of this reflections inside you too. Whether you live in the place you were born, or thousand miles away from it, you make that place what it is for you, not the other way around! You make it holly, and you can make it feel empty; you have the power to clean it, build on it, paint it, grow on it... You have the power to control it! That power comes from your will to define the things around you, and not be defined by them!

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